The Art of Books

I was introduced to book arts while working on my undergraduate degree in graphic design at Georgia State University. I fell in love with it immediately! Since then, I have taught book arts classes and even sold some of books. Here you will an assortment of all things book arts: reviews of resources and materials, directions, advice, and even my musings on the topic.

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Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Xandria Moonbrook was my first D&D character: a half-elven, lawful good, cleric/sorceress. Mirawyn is my current character, a half-elven, neutral good, sorceress/cleric. Maid Mirawyn is my Guild Wars primary, a mesmer. Me? I'm just this chick, you know? (Married Christian, far too many cats, no kids yet.)

Monday, January 30, 2006

Weaver's Knot Help

The weaver's knot knot is great for joining threads, but I can never remember how to do it. (Even though I also took weaving!) I found a great set of animations on making a weaver's knot, also known as a sheetbend, at Animated Knots. The instructions are written out clearly, but the big animation using actual cords is the most help. You can even look at the photos step-by-step instead of as an animation.

If you're like me and always have problems with the weaver's knot, check out the site.


Blogger Dana and Daisy said...

Hey that is a new knot on me and I'm a weaver too. Thanks for sharing it.

2/21/2008 11:07 AM  

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